About Us


During the years of 1988-1993, Mr Wong(Wang) Jiantang got MChem and PhD in chemistry at Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore). During that period, with the deepening of reform and opening-up, the economy of China had developed rapidly, everythings had changed greatly since the 1990s. "Let's go home" became a popular catchword at that time, yes, there's nothing more important than family, so Mr Wong went back the long-lost hometown. Then he worked at PetroChina for five years, his domestic & foreign experience made him realize that, although the domestic economic system was not perfect, the development potential of chemical industry would be very huge, meanwhile there were plenty of entrepreneurial opportunities, so he decided to set up a company and hopes to catch up with the pace of reform and opening up.

Why named Nanyang? Firstly he studied and worked at NTU for a long time, it taught him lots of things, knowledge, technical ability, insight and vision, in addition, College of Chemical and Biological Engineering of NTU would like to provide technical support and cooperation. Secondly, during the years of 1405-1433 Ming Dynasty, Zhenghe's great voyages around the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and across the Indian Ocean to East Africa, Zhenghe's voyages were a great feat in the world's navigation history, it shows the spirits of open, pioneering, innovative and striving, there is no doubt that society and human progress require these spirits. With above two reasons, in 1999 Nanyang enterprise was established.

In view of market environments, opportunities and challenges and the pace of technology trends, market environments, opportunities and risks, we will always remember the original intention, strive to become a key player in the global market and contribute to the society progress and the development of the green chemical industry.

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